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MTSU Post Office

Guidelines for Faculty and Staff

All official, outgoing mail will be handled through the university post office. The post office will determine and use the best postal rate unless otherwise requested by the sender.

Metered Mail

  • All mail to be metered must show the name of the department and the index code in the upper left corner. Mail not bearing a department name and account number will be returned to the department.
  • Departments that receive mail delivery shall accumulate outgoing mail in one area in each department so that it may be collected by the carrier.
  • Each department shall bundle its mail with rubber bands or place in boxes or trays, with all mail turned the same way. If there is more than one index code, each shall be bundled separately.
  • All first-class mail may be sealed or unsealed, but shall be separated by type. Unsealed mail shall be prepared with the flaps out. Large envelopes shall always be sealed.
  • If mail qualifies for a special rate, such as media mail or library rate, it shall be clearly noted on the package. Mail not marked will be assumed to be First Class Mail, and metered appropriately. The campus postal manager should be consulted if the sender needs information relating to postal regulations.
  • International mail shall not be mixed with other mail. International packages will require a customs form. The form may be accessed at: New USPS Customs Form. USPS has new policies with regards to mail and parcels to the EU, please read up on their website.   You can use your P-Card for postage.  Packages received without the appropriate form will be returned to the department.
  • Proof of delivery is available with certified mail. Electronic certified is the most cost efficient way to send mail; the signature of the recipient may be checked on the postal service website at: USPS Website. eCertified forms are available from the post office window. If a large number of forms is needed, they can be delivered upon request. Certified mail shall be kept separate from other mail prepared for metering.
  • Outgoing mail is dispatched from the campus post office once daily, Monday through Friday at 4:00 PM. Mail received after 3:00 PM may not be processed the same day.
  • Postage costs will be charged to the budget of the user and will appear on a monthly expenditure report.
  • Any department that authorizes another person or department to have the use of their account number on their envelopes for mailing must furnish written notice signed by the chairperson to the post office with the mailing. A university return address is required on the mail.
  • Stamps may be purchased at the post office with a P-Card. Please call ahead to ensure that sufficient stamps are on hand, USPS has cut down our supply of stamps.

Permit Mail

All official, outgoing Permit Mail must be handled through the Murfreesboro Post Office or through a mailing house. Advice and information concerning bulk mail may be obtained from the campus post office manager.

  • Postal procedures for proper preparation of permit mail may be found on the postal service website: Postal Pro. Because regulations change frequently, most departments choose to use a mailing house to prepare their mailing.
  • Permit mailings must be an identical mailing of at least 200 pieces.
  • Postage is paid from an account held at the post office in Murfreesboro; each department will be charged for their permit mailing based on the mailing statement received from the post office after mailing. Charges will appear on a monthly expenditure report.
  • Mailing lists must first be verified with the USPS database before printing. The campus post office may be contacted for instructions on how to submit the files. This process is done by the campus post office at no cost to the departments.
  • Business Reply mail is available to insert in mail to provide prepaid postage to the recipients. Creative and Visual Arts will provide the correct artwork to Printing Services to meet USPS regulations. When envelopes are returned to the department, postage will be charged to the appropriate index code. Charges will appear on a monthly expenditure report.
  • Questions concerning permit mailing should be directed to the manager of the campus post office.

Campus Mail

  •  All mail received through the postal service, UPS, FedEx and other carriers will be delivered to the appropriate campus post office box.
  •  The MTSU Post Office is operated under a contract with the United States Postal Service. All USPS postal regulations apply, except for the handling of “Official Campus Mail.”
  • Mail received without a name or department may be opened by the campus post office manager to determine the correct recipient.
  • An inbound tracking system is used for all packages received. Delivery requires a signature. If the department does not have their mail delivered, an email will be sent requiring someone to come to the post office to sign for the package. A copy of the email shall be brought to indicate that the person is authorized to pick up mail and to help in locating the package.
  • Departments having a mailing for all boxes shall ensure that if addressed, they are grouped by department box or in numerical order.
  • Faculty and staff members who designate others to secure their mail must give these persons their box number and combination.
  • If mail was delivered to the wrong address, it should be promptly returned to the campus post office. If mail is for an employee who no longer works at the university, the envelope should be marked as “Gone” and if a forwarding order exists, the post office will forward it.
  • Political material pertaining to election for public office is prohibited. Campus election material may be processed in a limited quantity provided three days are allowed for processing prior to the deadline.
  • All departments that have Box numbers need to use that on all campus mail.  Departments that do not have box numbers can use the name of their building and floor number.  See recent emails.  Chain letters of any nature will not be distributed.
  • No advertisements, with the exception of university activities, will be distributed free of charge.

Post Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed University Holidays.
(615) 898-2459